Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Time I Presented My Senior Project to a Large Group of Peers and Educators.

It's been done. I successfully presented my research and legislation at the 2013 Western Program Senior Project Conference. It went well. Here is a blurry picture of me doing it:


My general outline was as follows:

1. Briefly discuss what I did for my project.
2. Discuss what fracking is.
3. Discuss fracking's byproduct, "wastewater".
4. Discuss Federal, State, and Local legislation on fracking wastewater.
5. Display my amendment and discuss my rational.
6. Explain that it will be introduced to the Oxford City Council on Tuesday May 7th, 2013 at 7:30pm.

I will update then, begrudgingly, four days prior to my undergraduate graduation.

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